Coffee Alternatives for Sustained Energy and Fewer Jitters

If you’re a daily coffee drinker who loves the energizing buzz a cup of Joe offers, you’re certainly not alone. People love their coffee, so much so that an estimated 79% of Americans drink two or more cups of coffee daily.
While coffee definitely has its benefits, it can cause some adverse effects for those who drink too much or have a sensitivity to caffeine. Not only does coffee make you crash when its effects begin to wane, it can cause some serious jitters before the inevitable coffee crash occurs.
While the thought of giving up coffee can sound crazy to those accustomed to their daily coffee intake, there are alternatives to coffee that can help increase energy and decrease the jittery energy that comes with the coffee crash.
Following you’ll find a few coffee alternatives that can help keep your coffee consumption to a minimum, while naturally increasing your energy.
Drink Matcha Green Tea
Matcha green tea is widely considered the “healthier” version of traditional green tea. It’s also an excellent substitute for coffee. Not only does it contain more antioxidants, micronutrients, and amino acids, the caffeine in a serving of matcha is about a fifth of that in one serving of coffee. The caffeine in matcha is also delivered to the body slower than coffee, over a period of 6-8 hours—offering sustained, healthy energy without the jitters.
Try Yerba Mate
Yerba mate is another caffeinated alternative to coffee, containing about 78mg of caffeine per cup. While this is similar to the caffeine in the average cup of coffee (approximately 94mg), yerba mate is packed with antioxidants and other beneficial compounds, vitamins, and minerals.
Sip on Cacao
Cacao has been consumed for centuries, with a history that dates back to the Aztecs and Mayans. Cacao beans are the primary ingredient used to make chocolate—although it shouldn’t be confused with cocoa, which is processed differently. While cacao doesn’t contain caffeine, it does contain a host of other beneficial ingredients that can naturally increase energy. It’s high in theobromine, a natural stimulant that helps increase blood flow, which offers the same energy boost as coffee. But this energy boost lasts longer and doesn’t come with the unpleasant side effects of a coffee crash. Cacao is packed with antioxidants, flavonoids, and other compounds that can seriously contribute to your wellbeing. It also contains anandamide, the “bliss molecule” and naturally occurring endocannabinoid that binds to cannabinoid receptors and offers a natural “high.”
Find a Good Green Juice
You’ve likely heard how good green juice can be, but did you know it can help you curb excessive coffee consumption by offering a sense of increased energy that sustains you through the day? The right kind of green juice is full of antioxidants and nutrients that can naturally increase your energy and keep you from experiencing the dreaded caffeine crash. Dark leafy greens, for example, are rich in vitamins and minerals that are critical for converting food into energy you can use. If you don’t have the time to invest in juicing your own greens each day, consider a green powder that can be easily mixed with water. While whole foods are better for you, there are some excellent, high-quality green powders on the market that can naturally help increase your energy, no coffee required.
Drink More Water
If you’re not drinking enough water each day, your body will definitely let you know.
Did you know fatigue is one of the main signs of dehydration? Considering the body is made up of about 60% water, it’s easy to see why drinking water throughout the day is critical for your body and mind to function at their best. While how much water you should drink daily is up for debate and varies from person to person, it’s generally accepted that adults should drink 2-3 liters a day. If you’re not too keen on drinking water regularly, consider enhancing its taste with cucumber or watermelon.
While coffee isn’t unhealthy when consumed in moderation, it can cause a serious crash when its effects start to wear off. Whether you’re trying to quit coffee completely or simply cut down on your consumption, there are healthy alternatives that can help you naturally sustain your energy throughout the day and offer some serious wellness benefits.

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