What Are the Benefits of Long-Term vs. Short-Term CBD Use?

Whether you’ve been using CBD for a few months, a few weeks, or a few days, you might be curious as to how organic CBD gummy, soft gel, or tincture works over a long period of time compared to using it every now and again.
Here we’ll take a look at both, offering insight as to how you might benefit from taking CBD long-term or if short-term CBD use might be better. Both have their own benefits that are important to understand, especially when it comes to what might work best for your own personal needs.
Long-Term vs. Short-Term CBD Use: What Are the Benefits?
If you tried CBD and were disappointed to find it didn’t work the miracle you were hoping for, you certainly aren’t alone. CBD products are often hyped up to be the go-to for every issue under the sun and then some, but some people who try it aren’t experiencing the results they were expecting.
If you’re one of them, don’t give up too quickly. CBD is highly personalized, meaning that it affects different people based on their personal physiology and own unique needs. CBD can take some time to work, and better understanding how it works in the body can create a deeper understanding of the benefits of long-term CBD use vs. taking it over a shorter period of time.
How CBD Works
CBD’s relationship to the body and mind is complex; it influences various receptors, proteins, enzymes, and more. It’s predominantly believed, however, that CBD’s interaction with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) is responsible for its varied effects.
The primary function of the ECS is to maintain homeostasis for a number of different functions in the body. Homeostasis, or balance, keeps things running smoothly—allowing for the ideal internal conditions to preserve wellbeing and an optimal state of health, despite internal or external changes.
Research suggests the ECS can influence mood, memory, sleep, stress, digestion, appetite, and more. When the ECS becomes imbalanced, it can manifest in a variety of ways.
All this being said, everyone’s ECS is completely unique. We’ve all got different levels of endocannabinoids produced by the body, a different number of CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors, and enzymes that act uniquely with our own body chemistry. Did you know, for example, that some individuals have a rare genetic variant that makes them produce more endocannabinoids? Because their body produces the endocannabinoids they need to maintain homeostasis, they’re likely to find that CBD affects them much differently than individuals with an endocannabinoid deficiency.
What Are the Long-Term Benefits of CBD?
For those with ECS imbalance, it might take CBD a little longer to work. This is why many people take CBD for a number of weeks (or even months) before they find it makes much of a difference in the way they feel. For most people, CBD takes a certain level of commitment, taking it daily for several months while keeping track of the way they feel until they notice a difference.
Taking CBD long-term allows for the cannabinoid to fully interact with the ECS, giving the cannabinoid enough time to balance out any ECS deficiencies and return the body to its natural balanced state of homeostasis.
Some people will also take CBD for several months and come to realize they don’t “need” to take it as frequently to experience the same effects. But most continue to take CBD for months, preferring the way they feel when taking it, whether it’s getting better sleep, soothing stiff muscles and joints, or simply experiencing an overall general sense of enhanced wellbeing.
What Are the Short-Term Benefits of Using CBD?
Although some people find CBD takes some time to build up in their system to have a noticeable effect on the way they feel, others find that short-term CBD use is perfect for their unique needs. Remember, everyone responds to CBD differently and its effects are highly personalized.
That being said, some individuals begin to notice the effects almost immediately. Keep in mind that there isn’t much clinical research on long-term vs. short-term CBD use, but there are plenty of anecdotal reports of CBD users who, after only a few days, notice they’re sleeping better or that they’re feeling a greater sense of calm and relaxation.
Joy Organics co-founder, Joy Smith, almost immediately discovered CBD helped with her own sleep problems after her son suggested it might be beneficial. In fact, Joy’s success with better sleep using CBD for just a short period of time was the foundation on which Joy Organics was built!
Many people find that taking CBD short-term offers the balance their body needs. They might take it for a few days or weeks, find what they’re looking for and stop taking it for a bit, only to come back to it when they feel they need it.
Topical CBD products could have both short-term and long-term benefits, as they may offer localized relief for sore muscles and joints when applied topically. A CBD sports cream or a CBD salve may benefit workout-related muscle soreness in the short-term but could also possibly offer long-term relief for individuals with muscle- and joint-support needs.
Final Thoughts on the Benefits of Long-Term vs. Short-Term CBD Use
The best way to find out how you’ll benefit from short-term or long-term CBD use is to try both! If you take CBD for a few days (or even a few weeks) and find it isn’t doing what you expected, don’t give up. You might be someone who benefits from taking CBD over a longer period of time. If CBD works for you immediately, excellent!
While there’s little research on the benefits of long-term vs. short-term CBD use, both could be beneficial; it all depends on one’s distinctive body chemistry. Remember, CBD is highly personalized, offering benefits based on an individual’s own unique needs.

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