What Is Nano CBD Oil?

Not long ago the only way to take CBD was in a tincture. The CBD market itself was just beginning and a few companies dominated the market with a limited selection of CBD oil tinctures and drops. Since then, the CBD market has exploded.
Welcome to the modern world of CBD, where new products and methods of delivery are hitting the market on an almost daily basis. These days people are vaping CBD, eating CBD, and even mixing CBD into coffee drinks and cocktails. In fact, the CBD beverage market is becoming so popular that it’s estimated it will be worth $260 million in the U.S. by 2022.
Rapidly expanding interest in CBD beverages has led to increased interest in nano CBD.
What exactly is nano CBD, though?
And are there increased benefits to nano CBD compared to regular CBD oil?
We know that there are a lot of different CBD terms out there, which can make it difficult to understand exactly what’s what when it comes to the beneficial cannabinoid. Here we’ll take a deeper look at what exactly nano CBD is and the potential benefits it contains.
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The CBD softgels are amazing! They have helped me relax so I can sleep at night.Sharri
What Is Nano CBD?
It’s a well-known fact that oil and water don’t mix. Seeing that the adult human body is made up of 60% water, CBD oil has a bit of difficulty absorbing into the bloodstream. This is something that decreases the bioavailability of most CBD products that are available on the market.
What exactly is bioavailability? And what does it have to do with taking CBD oil?
Bioavailability is defined as “the proportion of a drug or other substance which enters the circulation when introduced to the body and so is able to have an active effect.”
What does this mean as far as CBD is concerned?
Seeing that the body is 60% water, when we take CBD oil, not all of it makes it into the bloodstream. Whether taking a tincture, capsule, edible, or drink, it’s important to understand that you’re not getting as much CBD as you might think.
For example, a 2012 study showed that the bioavailability of taking CBD orally was around 6%. On the other hand, the bioavailability of smoking CBD was found to be around 31%, which is why vaping CBD is considered one of the fastest and strongest delivery methods of CBD that exists.
The low bioavailability levels of oral administration are what led scientists in the industry to come up with a solution to increase how much CBD actually makes its way into the system.
Thus, the creation of nano CBD — something that could revolutionize the CBD market forever.
Note: Nano CBD does not dissolve in water. Instead, CBD molecules are much smaller and are absorbed by the body more easily.
How Is Nano CBD Produced?
It all starts with nanotechnology, a field of research and innovation concerned with “building things” on the scale of atoms and molecules. When it comes to CBD, nanotechnology involves breaking up CBD clusters into micro-sized particles.
To date, nanotechnology is the best way of creating small CBD particles. Using this proprietary technology, CBD can be broken down into droplets that are 10-100 nanometers in size. At Joy Organics, the nanoemulsion technology used in our process to create our CBD softgels breaks down the particles to 25-60 nanometers.
Okay, but just how big (or small) is a nanometer? A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter. To put things into perspective, the diameter of the average human hair is 80,000 nanometers. A nanometer is so small, it’s almost incomprehensible.
Once it’s broken down into these microscopic particles, it becomes more compatible with the body because it’s now at a size that allows for it to be absorbed by the body more easily.
Seeing that some experts say nano CBD will completely revolutionize the CBD market, it’s bound to come with a few benefits.
Let’s take a look at what they are.
The Benefits of Nano or Water Soluble CBD
- It Offers Increased Bioavailability — By far, one of the biggest benefits of nano CBD is that it offers increased bioavailability. The nanoemulsion process we use, for example, makes our nanoemulsion formulas more bioavailable than oil-based products. So, what exactly does this mean for you? You can take less to achieve the same results. Less really is more. This is because more CBD is making its way into your system, which means less of the product is wasted, which can ultimately decrease the frequency that you purchase CBD.
- It Can Be Mixed Easily into Beverages — Something that adds to the excitement of nano CBD is that it can be easily mixed into any beverage. Want to take your CBD on the go with your to-go cup of coffee? Easy breezy. Just add your desired serving size of nano or water soluble CBD oil to however you do coffee and you’re good to go. Nano CBD may also mix well into water and can make an awesome addition to your regular workout routine. Just add however much nano CBD you want to your water bottle or sports drink, put it in your gym bag, and enjoy it pre or post workout.
- It Works More Rapidly Than Other Forms of CBD — Because of the increased bioavailability of nano or water soluble CBD, it works more rapidly than other CBD products. But how exactly does this work? When taken orally, CBD oil must first pass through the digestive tract and liver before making its way into the bloodstream. Known as the first pass effect, this dramatically decreases how much CBD you actually “get.” While this in itself is enough to slow down how quickly you feel the effects of non-nano CBD, because it doesn’t mix well with water, it simply has a longer onset time.
Our customers experiences
I have been taking the softgels for over a year now daily and i have noticed a significant difference in my health, body, and mind.Ryan N.
What do the experts have to say about the benefits of nano CBD?
For one, they believe that water soluble CBD will make the CBD beverage industry boom.
In an interview with Cannabis Business Times, Ronan Levy, a chief strategy officer at one of the premier emerging biotech companies in the nano CBD industry, spoke about how nano cannabinoids could change the cannabis beverage market.
When asked about his overall outlook for the cannabis-infused beverage market, Levy had the following to say:
Someone described it to me the other day, and I think it was appropriate. The guy I was speaking to was instrumental in developing gluten-free foods in Canada, and he said version one gluten-free foods, they were by and large, pretty bad. They didn’t taste good, they had terrible texture, but if you had Celiac’ s Disease, it gave you an option. But with time, technology, investment and more people flooding into the market of gluten-free foods, the quality of gluten-free foods has increased substantially and now the gluten-free breads are comparable with other breads.
The cannabis industry is the same way. There are drinks out there that people are consuming because they like the format, but they don’t taste very good, they have an unpredictable effect, and I think the first line of products coming out are probably going to be bad to OK. But with time, investment and technologies that address a lot of the fundamental issues around the existing technologies that make mediocre drinks, you’re going to see the quality of beverages improve.
Final Thoughts on the Benefits of Nano CBD
We believe there’s something to be said about embracing proprietary technologies that offer the highest-quality CBD oil available. Nanoemulsion is one such process that transforms your “standard” CBD oil into nano-sized emulsions that allow for the most bioavailable CBD you can find.
The high bioavailability of nano CBD means you can use less product to achieve the same level of benefits of non-nano CBD.
Using less to achieve the same results? We’d like to think that’s a HUGE benefit.
Then there’s the fact that nano CBD works more rapidly than most other methods. Quicker onset means quicker results.
While nano CBD is something fairly new to the CBD market, it’s rapidly gaining increased attention.
Still have questions about the benefits of nano CBD? Please contact us any time. We’re always here to help.
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Medically reviewed by
Kimberly Langdon, M.D.
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