Add CBD to Your Favorite Recipes with our NEW Water-Soluble CBD Capsules
“I want to add CBD to all my favorite recipes without worrying about needing to bind it to some form of fat first!” Alright, we heard you. And we’ve come up with the perfect solution: our NEW CBD capsules. Unlike our Organic CBD Tinctures, which must be infused into a fatty base ingredient (e.g., oil,...
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Budder Explained: Why We Can Ship to 48 States
We've recently launched THC-enhanced gummies under our new sub-brand, Budder. With the option of either 2.5mg or 5mg of Delta-9 THC per serving, they've created quite the buzz. These two formulas have quickly become top sellers, and have caused many CBD consumers and business owners to wonder: how exactly are they allowed to do this? ...
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Why You Should Never Use Synthetic CBD
In 2017, several people in Utah became seriously ill from a poison outbreak linked to synthetic cannabinoids. Last spring, there were 56 reports of severe bleeding in Chicago and other areas across Illinois where synthetic cannabinoids were suspected to be the culprit. Two of these 56 people died in what a spokesperson for the Illinois...
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What is CBG Oil? And How is it Different from CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the two most well-known cannabinoids, and unsurprisingly so. CBD is linked to a range of possible effects that promote health and wellness, while THC provides a balanced, mind-opening, uplifting effect. But here’s the thing: The cannabis plant has so much more to offer. Research shows the cannabis plant contains...
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What is CBD and Why is the World in Love with It?
3 letters are making a huge impact across mainstream headlines. They are CBD. So, just what is CBD and why is the world in love with it? This ingredient is being added to everything from lotions to cocktails. So, what is CBD exactly? What has caused this huge wave of CBD products? Why has the world fallen...
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What Is a CBD Patch?
These days, CBD intake options are beyond plentiful. Tinctures, softgels, gummies and salves have all become household products and are great ways to incorporate CBD's benefits into everyday life. A slightly less common method for accessing CBD but that is quickly gaining traction is the CBD patch. But what exactly is a CBD patch? We're...
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Top 10 CBD Coffee Products
There’s nothing much better than the perfect cup of coffee. Unless, of course, that cup of coffee is infused with CBD. We personally think cannabis and coffee are a match made in heaven. As it turns out, others feel the same. CBD coffee products are becoming one of the most popular infused items in the...
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New Joy Organics Survey Reveals Many Americans Are Still in the Dark About CBD Oil
Awareness of the benefits of CBD oil products in the U.S. is growing, but there is still a lot more work to do. That’s according to data released today from our first “State of CBD” survey: Many Americans are in the dark about CBD. In March 2019, Joy surveyed more than 300 people across the U.S....
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The Ultimate Wellness-Inspired Holiday Gift Guide (2022)
If you’re looking for the perfect holiday gift for the wellness-obsessed person in your life, take a look at our wellness-inspired holiday gift guide. They are sure to spark joy, spread love and inspire positivity. After all, isn’t that what the holidays are all about? We created this gift guide with wellness in mind. You’ll...
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Celebrating 3 Years of Joy Organics
In just three years of business, Joy Organics has already witnessed a lifetime of milestone events. From Facebook bans to the legalization of hemp to USDA certification, Joy Organics has experienced so much growth over these past three years. Our story is ever-evolving, and we are delighted by the significant role you have played in...
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CBD Travel Guide
Disclaimer: This information was provided on May 27. It is not a legal opinion. With the world slowly reopening, traveling is at the forefront of many peoples' minds. Travel days can always be stressful. However, traveling post-pandemic will see surges of crowds. It can also cause mental unrest due to the unknowns of traveling after...
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10 Women Who’ve Transformed the Cannabis Industry
We live in an exciting age of transformation. People around the world are shaking off unjust and unfounded perceptions of the past and taking control of their own lives. Women and BIPOC are some of the leading entrepreneurs, scientists, and business owners in many new markets. Let’s take a look at 10 women who have transformed...
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Top CBD Stocks You Should Invest in Today
Looking to invest in a market with long-term potential? CBD is a great opportunity, as it hasn’t yet reached its full potential in the U.S. As more consumers begin to use CBD and the regulatory market shifts, the CBD market will likely continue growing. Globe NewsWire has estimated that the U.S. CBD market will expand to...
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Which CBD Products Are Sold at Walgreens?
You may have begun to notice that CBD use is becoming increasingly common. In fact, you may even be part of the rapidly growing number of people who are improving their lives through CBD oil. Although it is still being tested and has yet to be approved by the FDA, select states are now even...
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Where Are America’s Biggest Pet Lovers?
Does your state have the most love for its pets? A new study from Joy Organics CBD compared data and lifestyle factors across the United States to reveal the best states for pets to call home. The Best States for Pets Index To see how your state ranks, use the tool by selecting which state...
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Full Spectrum Joy Organics Tinctures Are Here!
In a recent survey of Joy Organics customers, 41% of CBD users expressed interest in full spectrum products. Your wish is our command! We are proud to introduce you to Joy Organics’ first-ever full spectrum tincture—Fresh Lime! Trust us; you’ll feel just as good as it tastes! Joy Organics’ Fresh Lime Full Spectrum CBD Oil...
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The Economic Benefits of Hemp Production
The passage of the Farm Bill did a lot more than change the legal status of hemp in America. Besides dramatically changing the current scope of CBD regulation across the country, experts unanimously agree it will spur a significant change in America’s economic landscape as well. As it turns out, there’s a lot of money...
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What Is Hemp Plastic?
Plastic was virtually unheard of before the 1960s. Fast forward just six decades and plastic pollution has become one of the most critical environmental issues we’ve ever faced. Every year, some 8 million tons of plastic finds its way into the ocean. What does 8 billion tons of plastic look like? Picture five garbage bags...
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Top 5 CBD Bath Salts
What comes to mind when you think about unwinding after a long day? Some people would say a relaxing hot bath. A glass of wine and some candles could take this scenario to the next level of bliss. Let's face it — for some of us, bathtime is the only alone time we can get....
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Does CBD Make You Hungry?
Since CBD and THC are both compounds found in cannabis, many people incorrectly assume that they cause similar effects. In fact, it has been proven over and over again that, unlike THC, CBD doesn't make you high. But does CBD make you hungry? Let's find out. Does CBD Make You Hungry? If there's one thing...
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CBD for Pets Vs. Humans: What’s the Difference?
If you’re a pet owner, you likely want to give your furry friend the very best. Whether you’re a loyal dog lover or border on crazy cat lady, pets are more than just companions. They’re our best friends. You’ve probably heard by now that CBD can be extremely beneficial for pets. The non-psychoactive cannabinoid is...
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A Comprehensive History of Hemp
These days, you can’t walk past a convenience store without seeing a flyer for CBD or drive on a highway without seeing a picture of a hemp leaf. It wasn’t too long ago that people rarely thought of hemp. Worse, if they did think of this plant, many held the now highly praised plant in...
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CBD Merchant Processing: Available Now Through Square
This post has been updated October 3, 2019 Square Launches CBD Program On October 3, 2019, Square publicly opened up its program to CBD merchants. This offering is monumental for the CBD industry because Square offers one of the fastest rising, least expensive and most customizable point-of-sale (POS) systems in the world. Some of the hardware and...
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Joy Organics Cracks Top 5 of CBD Hacker’s Top 20 CBD Oils
2018 was an excellent year for the CBD market. With the legalization of growing hemp, the CBD industry saw a big boom; the wave continues to ride high into 2019. The CBD field is a growing market already full of compassionate, innovative and intelligent entrepreneurs. They have fought tirelessly to educate the world on CBD...
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